Network Update 4

07 Sep

If you are experiencing connection problems, please provide the following info:

A) Link are you trying to access which received an error/connection problem.
B) Country
C) Internet Connection Type: Dial-Up, 3G, 2G, 4G, Satellite, Cable, Fiber.
D) Device and device model if known.
E) Browser and browser version if known.

Please make sure you are not accessing the site from out-dated bookmarks. Type in our web address manually to start and see if the issues go away.



Posted by on 09/07/2013 in Uncategorized


81 responses to “Network Update 4

  1. Brotherhood of the Devines

    09/07/2013 at 12:26 pm

    1)Everything I try to access will have all the errors, so it’s not just one place. I can read what everyone is posting but I can’t reply or edit my already posted posts, I also can’t access my profile I get an error that says this webpage is not available.
    2) US
    3) Dial-up(Netzero)
    4) Computer(Windows XP)
    5) Google Chrome.

    • Xing

      09/07/2013 at 12:56 pm

      Are you using mobile or desktop site? What error exactly (as displayed) are you getting?

    • Xing

      09/07/2013 at 12:59 pm

      Also please copy and paste some of the exact url you are getting errors to us so we can investigate.

  2. sutam1

    09/07/2013 at 1:01 pm

    Good day:
    3)Cable and ADSL
    4)Laptop, Tablet, Celphone
    5)Opera,Firefox,Opera Mobil,UC Browser

    • Xing

      09/07/2013 at 1:15 pm

      You have the wrong link.. It should just be The difference is http vs https. We have also fixed this for those that have similar type of mistakes.

      • sutam1

        09/09/2013 at 1:09 am

        My ISP at work have filtered http, and i was reading through https, it was not filtered this way. I dont know how hard it could be to keep it running, but it was my only way to keep reading my fics. I would like to plead a little for the return of https. Thanks.

  3. PJandLGequalsLove

    09/07/2013 at 1:32 pm

    I hate this new update to FanFiction. When I click on the author of the stories that I read I no longer can see their profiles. All I see are the stories they wrote. Also I do not like what you did with the crossover links. When I click the book I want to read,and I get to the page where the stories are I should see a link to the crossover stories associated with that book that I chose,and not have to go back to the home page to read the crossovers. Also it is stupid that if we have to scroll down all the way to the bottom of the screen to make sure that we can make sure that we get the proper settings like ratings, characters,and all that to the stories. You should have left that at the top. It would be greatly appreciated if I could have FanFiction back the way it was before this update

  4. PJandLGequalsLove

    09/07/2013 at 1:36 pm

    Never mind it is suddenly back to the way it was. What happened?

    • cmcwiki

      09/08/2013 at 6:47 pm

      I think you might have been on the mobile site somehow

  5. IchigoJuubi

    09/07/2013 at 2:02 pm

    A)mobile site)Link Error
    The page you are looking for does not exist. (3) anime/naruto?srt=1&t=0&g1=0&g2=0&r=4&lan=0&len=0&s=0&v1=0&c1=2039&c2=0&c3=0&c4=0&_g1=0&_c1=0&_c2=0&_v1=0
    C)Comcast Cable
    D)T-Mobile Wing

    • Xing

      09/07/2013 at 2:09 pm

      You have a broken browser that is not properly submitting html forms and generating bad links. Download Opera mobile for your phone. Just visit

  6. IchigoJuubi

    09/07/2013 at 2:03 pm

    by the way the search site still works

  7. Anonymous

    09/07/2013 at 3:38 pm

    Profile pictures and book covers don’t show on Firefox 23 – just the default face or a blank box shows up. Works perfectly fine in IE.

    • Xing

      09/07/2013 at 5:10 pm

      Unable to reproduce your problem on firefox 23. Can you provide a specific link that shows the broken images?

      • cmcwiki

        09/08/2013 at 6:49 pm

        I think that for whatever reason they are just slow to load on their computer.

  8. S-Lioness

    09/07/2013 at 3:39 pm

    b) Egypt
    c) Cable
    d) —
    e) Google Chrome

  9. Raine

    09/07/2013 at 4:53 pm

    While I can access all parts of the site, I am having other issues that I am not sure are a result of the recent updates. Three stories that I subscribed to were updated today, but I didn’t get the email alerting me about it. While I’m not too affected, considering that I checked the fandoms anyway, other people might miss updates if this problem is widespread. Please address this issue as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.

    • Xing

      09/07/2013 at 5:08 pm

      1) Are they in your spam folder? 2) Login to your account on the site and see if you get an email delivery alert/notification.

      • Raine

        09/07/2013 at 5:16 pm

        Thanks for your help. It was in my spam folder. That’s weird though; it’s never been sent there before

  10. Megan K.

    09/07/2013 at 5:51 pm

    Link Error
    The page you are looking for does not exist. (3) book harry-potter?srt=3&t=0&g1=0&g2=0&r=10&lan=0&len=0&s=0&v1=0&c1=3221&c2=0&c3=0&c4=0&_g1=0&_c1=0&_c2=0&_v1=0
    D)LG Optimus F3
    E)Default browser for phone.
    Everything has worked fine thus far, but today it just spazzed out.

  11. WinchesterGrl09

    09/07/2013 at 6:38 pm

    The Favorite Stories list looks way to large. There’s a lot of extra white space and it makes it difficult to read. Not sure if this is temporary or how it will now look.

  12. Zero13

    09/07/2013 at 9:28 pm

    1) everytime I try and get onto the website it would come up with 400 bad request
    2) New Zealand
    4)LG touchscreen telecom cellphone
    5) unknown browser, just comes up with browser

  13. IchigoJuubi

    09/07/2013 at 9:43 pm

    Link Error
    The page you are looking for does not exist. (3) anime/naruto?srt=1&t=0&g1=0&g2=0&r=4&lan=0&len=0&s=0&v1=0&c1=2039&c2=0&c3=0&c4=0&_g1=0&_c1=0&_c2=0&_v1=0

    I just got opera mini 5.1 and this happens again, reinstall?

  14. jasminejohnson41

    09/07/2013 at 10:41 pm

    hey i try to click my publish button and it won’t go to it and i tried to go on all the others but that doesn’t help either it does the same thing it will only let me go to account and thats it what should i do?

  15. maria

    09/07/2013 at 11:08 pm

    The page you are looking for does not exist. (3) tv Burn-Notice?srt=1&t=0&g1=0&g2=0&r=4&lan=0&len=0&s=0&c1=0&c2=0&c3=0&c4=0&_g1=0&_c1=0&_c2=0
    B) us
    C) cable
    D) samsung galaxy s 3


  16. Missy

    09/08/2013 at 3:58 am

    B) Canada
    C) 4G
    D) Android, HTC Amaze.
    E) –

  17. Hana

    09/08/2013 at 8:08 am

    Hi, I have a problem. Yesterday, when opened the website by my tablet. The website is diplayed like on mobie, and I cannot zoom out the character, I cannot see the Aa button anymore. Although I changed font size in browser setting, the character still look so small for me to read. Please fix it.

  18. Lynn Hollander

    09/08/2013 at 3:49 pm

    I have no problems to report, everything seems to be working very well for me, but I do have a request: Since we can filter for ‘T’ and for ‘M’, can T and M be combined? In other words, can we ‘omit all K and K+’?

    • yemi hikari

      09/08/2013 at 5:25 pm

      Again, I honestly don’t see the point to excluding K and K+ when you’re searching for T and M stories. You mentioned that it helped you find good quality fics before but honestly if you want to do that then just search T because M has as much problems as the K and K+ ratings.

  19. Hotaru Muraki

    09/08/2013 at 4:22 pm

    Dear Xing and other helpful staff,
    thank you for all your hard work – and putting up with us talking/griping/whining about everything that does not work wuite the way we expect it to.
    While I’ve resigned myself at least somewhat to the new filter, i.e. no pairing-filter up yet, there’s this one thing that’s been bugging me even more…

    When clicked, the ‘All’-filter in EACH and every category displays the fandoms ranking downwards to the amount of stories published. This does NOT make any sense at all!
    (Wouldn’t it be more comfortable to have the fandoms listed alphabetically instead? That would make it easier for us to, for eaxmple, look for lesser known fandoms within a category.

    Thank you again for taking our concerns into consideration. AND acting on them! 😉

    • bienfait

      09/08/2013 at 6:26 pm

      I agree with Hotaru Muraki – even though I rarely search the categories (I only frequent a couple of fandoms and have them bookmarked), it seems wildly counter-intuitive to rank the listings by volume. Most people searching the archive are going to be looking for a particular fandom, and they will have no idea where it stands in terms of number of stories published – but they will certainly know what letter of the alphabet it starts with.

      Common sense suggests that alphabetical listing is more practical.

      • Anna

        09/09/2013 at 11:33 am

        You can click on any one of the letters or number/special characters that are listed in the filters if you’re looking for a specific category.

        However, what bugs me is when the category title isn’t accurate, such as the first word being an ‘A’ or ‘The’. I don’t understand why those should be excluded from the title when requesting it. Some categories are suffering from it because they’ve been too generalized, such as the 2001 horror movie “The Others” which has simply been termed as “Others.” Despite the character list, people seem to think it’s a Misc. category and have put several things there that don’t belong, (but then, I’ve mentioned this several times in the past both on the blog and in emails, and nothing still has been done about it. Oh well, what to expect. The smaller fandoms apparently don’t count since they don’t bring in the traffic. Anybody who isn’t a “Potterhead” or “Twihard” or any of the rest of those are insignificant nobodies).

        See what I mean…

        I sent in a few emails months ago (it’s been almost a year now, actually) simply requesting to remove the stories (some of which aren’t stories, but entries with nothing but copyrighted material such as songs or poems) and to edit the title from ‘Others’ to ‘The Others, 2001.’ Seems simple enough to me, not something that should cause the site a load of problems. All this time and still nothing for such a simple request. Guess I’m on the blacklist.

      • yemi hikari

        09/09/2013 at 7:43 pm

        +Anima also has the same problem but for a different reason. It’s more understandable when the persons language isn’t English, but I realize the reason it is filled with stories that don’t belong there… particularly original fiction… is people think for some reason it’s +Anime. You have to use the character tags to find stories that belong there.

      • Jordanna

        09/09/2013 at 9:42 pm

        The category for the original “V” television series has had the same problem (at least before they made another series, and FFN added the years to differentiate them). People were dumping any story in there for shows starting with the letter V that had no category of their own, and even original fiction. I complained for *years*, and… guess what… they’re STILL THERE. *headdesk*

      • yemi hikari

        09/09/2013 at 10:35 pm

        It comes down to people not thinking really. It’s not really that hard to use the category tags.

      • A.J. Goode

        09/10/2013 at 1:33 pm

        Anna, I see the same problem in the Misc Books category. People don’t realize that the category is for fanfictions based on books that don’t have their own category. They think it is a place for original fiction and poetry, eulogies to dead friends, SOPA announcements, homework assignments, personal announcements, writing schedules, and classified ads. It’s a mess.

        The entire category is worthless now, possibly beyond saving. Just like the Misc Plays/Musicals category, which is almost 100% real people fiction. Practically every single story is about a real-life musical group or singer.

        I hate to be the one to suggest it, but maybe the time has come for the Miscellaneous categories to be eliminated. After all, there is currently no room there for the stories that BELONG there.

      • yemi hikari

        09/10/2013 at 2:15 pm

        I have stories in the misc. categories. What would happen to them until they get categories? One of the reasons I haven’t asked for categories is because I felt I was the only person interested and the fandom lists are long enough as it is. There has to be another solution.

        Actually, I think the real solution is to increase the options when someone is reporting a story. As it is RPF is shoved in with interactive, chat/script, mst, and ect. It would be better if it was…

        Not allowed: interactive
        Not allowed: chat/script
        Not allowed: real person
        Not allowed: mst
        Not allowed: other

        They can add others as they see the need under other or even clarify things as whether or not they are against the rules. I mean, they already do this for the ratings, why not everything else? Wording needs to be specific as well. The site admins would be able to better target problem areas as well, not to mention if they know certain fandoms have a problem for certain types of rule breaking they can do something so that they get noticed quicker as well.

        It would take a lot of programing though, but honestly… it would be worth it for everyone.

      • A.J. Goode

        09/10/2013 at 2:34 pm

        I have stories in those categories too, Yemi. Not that anyone will ever see them buried there.

        I like your idea of giving us more choices when we report stories, but all the choices in the world won’t do a thing unless someone is responding to those reports.

        I think an even better option would be an announcement of some kind in this blog or on the home page to clarify what is and isn’t allowed on this site. Yes, it’s in the guidelines, but that’s obviously not getting the job done.

      • yemi hikari

        09/10/2013 at 9:42 pm

        I agree that an announcement would help as well. They need to not just verify the rules but that they do at times get behind on the reports and that just because you don’t see the stories disappearing doesn’t mean it isn’t against the rules. It needs to be a.) reported and b.) the site admins need to get through the reports.

  20. samantha J. rose

    09/08/2013 at 5:09 pm

    I couldn’t find a way to email any of the people who work on so im posting my idea’s here. witch I have 4 ok 1 I think you should add the option to create chatrooms. that only certain people can enter, because what if three people are working on a story you need to have all three members at once. 2 you should add friends list that shows when your friends are on. 3 instant messaging.

    • Simoneau

      09/09/2013 at 2:38 am

      @samantha J. rose – No, that’s a dreadful idea. FFnet and Fictionpress are writing sites, not social media. The suggestions you make would undermine the core purpose of both sites, which is to write stories and read them.

      You want to socialise, do it on Facebook or Live Journal. Or use the forums.

      As for instant messaging – what a hateful idea!

      • samantha J. rose

        09/09/2013 at 9:29 am

        jeez no need to be rude they are just sugjestions

    • Lynn Hollander

      09/09/2013 at 10:47 am

      Simoneau was not rude, she was only clear in expressing her opinions. Look at what she has really said: socialize on a social site and use the forums. Those are two things you might try now.

      • Lynn Hollander

        09/09/2013 at 11:59 am

        Forums, at least on F/P, can be set to accept posts only from members; members can be limited to the co-authors. That would offer you a chat room and instant messaging. It would not be private, true, but would other people be interested? Also remember, nowhere on the web offers complete, permanent privacy. What you post anywhere will be available to any determined searcher.

      • samantha J. rose

        09/09/2013 at 12:50 pm

        I’m paranoid…see me an two others are working on one story together all im saying is its a pain having to send the same exact pm twice. and the forums are public. But you know what ever ill find another way to solve my problem. thanks for the time

    • Rogue Mudblood (@RogueMudblood)

      09/09/2013 at 10:51 am

      Samantha, I’m going to attempt to offer counter points.

      Re: Instant messaging. There is a program called Trillian which you can use to monitor when you have received e-mail on several different addresses. It will pop up a small window in the lower right corner of your screen that will advise you the subject of the e-mail. This will allow you to know immediately if someone has replied to a PM, as the subject line says “PM received” and has the sender information.

      Re: Privatized chat. Numerous IM programs allow for you to conference in several people. MSN/Skype does (I’ve used this option before), so as long as you have all parties added to your Skype as contacts, you can conference them into the chat. I recommend that you read the literature available on their site in order to determine how to do this.

      Re: Friends online/offline. To be frank, I do agree with Simoneau’s assessment that this is a social media request. The site is not intended to be a social media hub. In general, I know when those I interact with on any site are online by their activity in forums. I don’t see the online/offline indicator as being something that is necessary to the site’s functionality.

      However, I recognize that some much smaller archives (Dokuga, for example) do have that option. The problem that you’re going to run into here is the size of FFN/FP and the fact that the software would have to be recoded to allow for that option. If you’ve never done any coding, I can see how that might not seem like such a big deal. I can assure you, though, that what you are asking is a monumental undertaking. Given that there are network issues at this time, I don’t believe this is something that should be Xing’s focus. I truly feel he has much more immediate issues with which he needs to concern himself.

      Now, given that you said you couldn’t find the e-mail address for the site (there is no individual e-mail posted, for obvious reasons I should think), which is clearly posted on the Help pages on FFN and FP, I question the viability of adding in the options you’re requesting because of the massive amount of technical support they will incur.

      Also, you said you had four suggestions. What was your fourth?

      • samantha J. rose

        09/09/2013 at 11:44 am

        never mind about the 4th….I meant only tree…..there is no way to fix an error

        Re: Instant messaging: im using g-mail and have no idea how to set that up..

        Re: Privatized chat: cant use Skype.

        Re: Friends online/offline: oh well

      • Lynn Hollander

        09/09/2013 at 1:13 pm

        SJR: on the ‘compose’ form in gmail, there are letters in the upper right hand corner. ‘Cc’ means ‘copy to’. Click on Cc and the form asks you for additional addresses. Enter your co-authors’ address, I think you must separate them with a comma, and your gmails will go to both. Good luck with the work.

      • samantha J. rose

        09/09/2013 at 1:44 pm

        kk thanks that should help a lot.

    • yemi hikari

      09/09/2013 at 3:30 pm

      It’s not a social networking site Samantha. Most of us who are working joint stories either know the person online or have to wait for the person to respond back so this feature really doesn’t serve any real purpose.

      • yemi hikari

        09/09/2013 at 3:32 pm

        I meant offline…

      • samantha J. rose

        09/09/2013 at 3:36 pm

        ok thank you……..I already got the answers I needed

    • cmcwiki

      09/09/2013 at 6:02 pm

      I think what would be better is if you could CC someone in a pm

  21. Jenny

    09/09/2013 at 12:19 am

    I have the weirdest problem of the pages loading 3 or 4 times when I only clicked it once. I’m using my iPad and the regular site. Every time I try to go on any page the same page loads multiple times. I cleared my cookies and it still happens. This makes going back very time consuming when I have to go back to the same page 3 times.

    • Xing

      09/09/2013 at 12:33 am

      A) Were you on the mobile or desktop site? B) Which page exactly had this problem?

      • Jenny

        09/09/2013 at 6:24 pm

        I’m using the desktop version and it’s happen to me almost every time I start a new fic and even when I access the sites homepage.

  22. weng

    09/09/2013 at 4:50 am

    B) Philippines
    D) laptop(ASUS)
    E)Google Chrome

  23. Hidden Nin Socks

    09/09/2013 at 9:00 am

    I have already sent an email about this a couple of weeks back, but here’s the form filled out as best as possible:

    A) <– I noticed someone said it should be http not https, but this is the link that I am given when I click on my already logged in user name at the front page.
    B) Australia
    C) Satellite
    D) no idea sorry.
    E) Firefox 23.0.1 but I've had the same problem with IE, Seamonkey and previous versions of Firefox.

    Just to be clear, the message I get is usually "this website is unavailible" I think – the yellow caution sign appears. It's been a couple of days since the last time it happened so I can't quite recall. I have also accessed the site and had the same problems from a university which has very different internet (some kind of high speed broadbad I presume) to my home, but I do seem to have better results from the university – though this might just be coincidence. I don't access as much at the uni as I do at home.

  24. kyh1

    09/09/2013 at 9:48 am

    I can’t download stories with Calibre (Plugin FanFictionDL) anymore.
    It worked fine on Friday (6.9.)
    Today it only gives the message: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

    I can access the page with a normal browser.

    Link f.e.

  25. Ivan

    09/09/2013 at 11:44 am

    1) Mobile site
    2) Indonesia
    3) 3G (phone). Tried with Satellite networks too (iPad)
    4) Device : Blackberry Curve 9360 / iPad 3
    5) Bckberry’s default browser and iPad’s Safari + Chrome

  26. Yuppers2dat

    09/09/2013 at 12:41 pm

    I cant log in 😦 I got a account on here today and well when ever I try to log in it says Password and Email combernatoin (sorry cant spell that word) not vaild or something so I’m really confused about it and I don’t know where to tell you guys on this so can someone enlighten me?

  27. Angel

    09/09/2013 at 1:43 pm

    Hey, there is a glitch in the system, that hasn’t gone away since 9/5/13. If you are on the fanfiction.nets ‘Regular Site’ mode, NOTHING that’s been recently put up on the website after 9/5/13 is showing up, but if you switch it over to ‘Mobil Phone’ mode all the latest updates show up.

    Plus is the websites support email address even still being used? I’ve sent emails to the email you have up in the last couple of weeks but NOBODY’s written back to me, about any of the things I wrote to you guys about.

    • Yuppers2dat

      09/16/2013 at 11:13 am

      ok that’s a huge help I’ll try again later 😀

  28. Eliza

    09/09/2013 at 8:16 pm

    The problems I’m having are only when I try to get onto the mobile site.

    A) Every link/story gets an error code (403 forbidden. Powered by litespeed web server)
    B) Canada
    C) Mobile 4G
    D) HTC Amaze phone
    E) Unknown browser type.

  29. Litning the hedgehog

    09/09/2013 at 11:15 pm

    I love the sit but I need my profile
    Is blank and I can’t make a story

  30. Lauren

    09/10/2013 at 3:12 am

    1) When I try to add filters for Hunger Games stories my internet speed drops. Especially when I try to add language filters, not only does fanfiction move incredibly slow, but anything I try to access on any website moves slow, like I’m being attack by a virus. I have to restart my browser to get back to my normal internet speed. But so far it only happens with The Hunger Games in particular, no other link slows down my internet speed.
    2) USA
    3)Satellite (Centurylink)
    4) Macbook Pro
    5) Firefox (I don’t have any problem when I use Safari)

  31. Hannah S

    09/10/2013 at 10:36 am

    A. )

    B.) USA

    C.) 4G

    D.) N/A, it is a Samsung phone though

    E.) Normal web browser , I guess internet explorer.

  32. Mollyannice

    09/10/2013 at 2:18 pm

    Yeah I am curious as to what happened to the Adblocker? why isn’t it working anymore? I used it constantly in fact if I had to I would pay for the adblocker service if I have to.

  33. M

    09/10/2013 at 6:56 pm

    I have been having problems in my account. When I log in, I can’t click on anything on the menus, so I can’t see my story stats or moderate a review or PM any one from my account. I can only do things on the account settings page. This is very frustrating and I have the same problem on firefox and on internet explorer. Not sure what caused this but I would like some help.

  34. While

    09/10/2013 at 9:21 pm

    New stories are not showing up right now. I updated my story thirty minutes ago and it’s not showing up yet.

  35. rei

    09/10/2013 at 10:10 pm

    can you please not blocking access from Google App Engine IPs because I can’t download fanfic from the site and it’s really a problem for me

  36. Ashley or spcecse7

    09/10/2013 at 11:22 pm

    1) won’t let me sync with from my cell phone app
    4) iphone 3gs
    5)it’s on my phone only that i am having this issue and im not quite sure about the browser info

  37. spcecse7

    09/10/2013 at 11:31 pm

    my App on my iphone is saying that it can’t load the captcha code in order for me to log on and sync my phone to<<< sorry forgot to add that part

  38. Bandana Merah

    09/12/2013 at 9:35 pm

    A) >>> It sometime broke if i dial more than 6 chapter
    B) Indonesia
    C) 3G,
    D) Nokia 2730
    E) Opera mini. I do re-new my browser

  39. deadal

    09/13/2013 at 4:43 am

    A) the javscript allowing me to navigate in my account setting (all the link on the left of the sctreen are dead), meaning, i can no longer access the list of my favorite story or any other page beyond the access on)
    B) france
    C) caber
    D) freebox
    E) Browser and browser version if known.(unkonow)

  40. veronikarulzX-x-o-KISSIT-o-x-X

    09/14/2013 at 2:19 am

    A) whenever I try to go on someones profile, sometimes when I try to read some stories.
    B) New Zealand
    C) Fiber
    D) Laptop (Compaq Presario CQ57)
    E) Internet Explorer

  41. Blizard Engetsu

    09/14/2013 at 6:50 pm

    1. Everything is not working.
    2. US
    3. 4G
    4. Motorola RAZR M (mobile device)
    5. Google Chrome

  42. SpokeInward

    09/16/2013 at 4:13 am

    I am using a Samsung Galaxy 3 on Sprint’s 4G network. I was in the process of making changes to a recently submitted chapter when I was taken to a blank page. You cannot possibly imagine how livid I am right now. I am in the United States as well. I do not know the precise link I was accessing with the exception of the full website on mobile and editing that chapter.

  43. vhim maulion

    09/17/2013 at 4:16 am

    A http//
    B Philippines
    C – (I don’t know but I just rely on Sun Internet)
    D Nokia 2600c
    E Opera Mini 4.2

  44. Dan

    09/18/2013 at 11:25 am

    1) I can’t open list of anime that i want to search. i will give ya the link it says ”a link error”
    2) Indonesia
    3) Mobile connection (3G/EDGE) AXIS ISP
    4) Mobile Phone (Nokia E63)
    5) Opera Mini

  45. TheConstantReader03

    10/22/2013 at 4:09 am

    B) US
    C) Cable
    D) MacBook OS X 10.5.8
    E) Firefox, Safari, Chrome

    The connection times out no matter what browser I use. I’ve tried clearing cache and history, restarting browsers, rebooting the computer and it still won’t connect.


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